Friday 24 September 2010

Fresh Ideas (Week One)

The first week is over as ideas for the projects ahead from the modules have already began to form. Design of the internet seemed easy yet confusion this week but it looked like it's going to get harder.  Separate Blogs for separte modules as I think about it, leaving this one to be a form of a journal for the end of the week.

Introduction to Sound
The editing system seems simple enought, knowing how words can be turned, it will be interesting to see how to create the emotional effect that I want to create for the project that is coming up. At the moment, I have two main ideas that would effect the sound is:

1. A secret begin discovered before getting caught
2. A fruit, representing friendship, destoryed before sounds of a fantasy like fight begins with the music.

I'm not sure how I'm going to record the sound or create it for that matter. It's not like I have musical instruments around. O.o

He and Work
How the public might feel about 3D TV? It does sound like an interesting topic to write about, knowing from memories of other people's problems of seeing 3D TV, allowing them to prefur to normal HD TV. I just I can talk about my other ideas when I get around to blogging links.

Design Princples
The brief said that the customer is asking for a design  that relates to the history of Essex. I'm not sure what to design or who might be in my group for that matter but I tried to look for a decent historical fact that might grab my imagination. All I managed to find was about the Saxons.......

Design for the Internet
Being told that we could make a blog to describe anything interesting  or useful websites that might help us when making our own site which would properly be around a couple of weeks time.

This first week might have been easy since we're just starting out but I ca already sense the future stress that will come when working on the modules. But one thought keeps returning.....

Will I make it to second semester?


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