Tuesday 28 September 2010

HE skills (Week Two)

We were set to go through this model, this theory, to see what sort of person we might be and what the percentage of our kind of people might populate the world. After going through a few questions and thinking that some of them from each comparision would explain me, I came out with INFP, which populates the world by 2%. We wasn't sure what to make of the results, it was a theory after all.

VARK Questionnaire


You have a mild Read/Write learning preference~ http://www.vark-learn.com/english/results.asp

When I first looked at the results, it didn’t come to a surprise and I do writing and some reading in my spare time and I had to read some research for my old business course back in college. I know that I do read sometimes so that I remember. I’m not surprised about the Visual results, even though I do draw in my spare time at some points, the interest in visuals have just been dying over the years but I can still pay attention to diagrams and drawing that have meaning. I was expecting the visuals to be higher than the aural, knowing for a fact that I only listen if it’s an interesting subject; even then I mess up from listening. The only time I listen is to the music off the radio or computer to help my imagination. Kinesthetic, I do try to teach myself by doing but that only works in only so many situations. I guess that reading helps out with last minute revision but despise the results, I don’t think that reading will be the best when it comes to deep teaching, only if the subject in hand was interesting and if I have gotten myself deep into the project in hand.

Friday 24 September 2010

Fresh Ideas (Week One)

The first week is over as ideas for the projects ahead from the modules have already began to form. Design of the internet seemed easy yet confusion this week but it looked like it's going to get harder.  Separate Blogs for separte modules as I think about it, leaving this one to be a form of a journal for the end of the week.

Introduction to Sound
The editing system seems simple enought, knowing how words can be turned, it will be interesting to see how to create the emotional effect that I want to create for the project that is coming up. At the moment, I have two main ideas that would effect the sound is:

1. A secret begin discovered before getting caught
2. A fruit, representing friendship, destoryed before sounds of a fantasy like fight begins with the music.

I'm not sure how I'm going to record the sound or create it for that matter. It's not like I have musical instruments around. O.o

He and Work
How the public might feel about 3D TV? It does sound like an interesting topic to write about, knowing from memories of other people's problems of seeing 3D TV, allowing them to prefur to normal HD TV. I just I can talk about my other ideas when I get around to blogging links.

Design Princples
The brief said that the customer is asking for a design  that relates to the history of Essex. I'm not sure what to design or who might be in my group for that matter but I tried to look for a decent historical fact that might grab my imagination. All I managed to find was about the Saxons.......

Design for the Internet
Being told that we could make a blog to describe anything interesting  or useful websites that might help us when making our own site which would properly be around a couple of weeks time.

This first week might have been easy since we're just starting out but I ca already sense the future stress that will come when working on the modules. But one thought keeps returning.....

Will I make it to second semester?


Tuesday 21 September 2010

First Blog

I have no idea how to use this thing but I might as well give it a try.


My name is Lydia (Axel) Bell and I am currently taking BSc (Hons) Multimedia, Animation and the Web at Anglia Ruskin University. The reason that I took this course as my pathway to the future is because I would like to improve my editing and story writing skills so that I can turn it into an animation or show one day within the media or game industry.

For the first couple of days at starting the modules for this semester, I've already started to gain ideas for my Introduction to Sound class as I'm working on a filming project in my spare time as well as working on the script for the film project.

My subject FINALLY relates to my interests!!!!!!

In Learning and Skills Development for HE and Work, we were told about the PDP, an academic paper and a presentation that relates back to the academic paper which discusses whether the public are ready for 3D TV. Even though the academic paper can start in another blog, the SWOT Analysis was simple to create.

SWOT Analysis

  • IT skills
  • Maths
  • Story Writing
  • Editing
  • Filming
  • Reports
  • Art
  • Group work
  • Spelling
  • Understanding the work
  • Listening
  • Reports (Attention span ^^)
  • Skim reading to find something that could be useful.
  • Given the higher chance to gain work in the media industry.
  • Get a chance to meet new people
  • Chances to gain work-experience
  • Learn new media and editing skills
  • Lots of competitors once leaving university
  • With the current recession and the new bugdet cuts, it might be hard to find a new job or work experience.
  • People might not hire due to disability
Hopefully, I'll be about to avoid coming into threats in the future while studying the course. So long as I can learn how to use the editing system on the Abode programmes.

Learning Line

This is my learning line. My learning line is still basic as I have mostly gone through education with some voluteering by the side. I hope that once I leave University, my learning line will expand hugely within the world of world

The PDP is basically a Personal Development Plan that you will have during travelling down your chosen pathway. While your record of achievement comes from your time within school and college, a progress file begins at university while personal development and appraisal will be your time at work.

Benefits of PDP
This allows the person to gain a better understanding about themselves and helps them make the approprite choice for their chosen pathway.

While in year one, it's best to find some form of a mentor that would help with projects that they should know about, just so that the person that does the work can become better at it. In year two, it's really helpful when students getv involved in voluteering, some form of mentoring to help the year below or try to get work experience that relates to the pathway that is being taken. Not only will this looks good on a CV but it also allows you to gain more experience.

A lot to look at but properly as easy as creating essays.


Properly not.

Well, this seems a bit long for my first blog but it's better to be careful then writing too short.....right?
