Friday 22 October 2010

HE & Work (Planning for using Methods)

Since the event where I can get most of my reseach is coming up within the week, I though it would be best to get the research methodology done first while I wait for the books that I've ordered for the literate review. I've got a questionnaire ready and have written the research methodology. This is what I got so far...

Research Methodology
For the research to see whether the hypothesis is true or not, a form of mix methods will be taken out within a certain focus group within London during an annual event known as London MCM Animé expo. The reason this report is going to use mix methods would be used to gather the research because both qualitative and quantitative research:
The use of quantitative research will be carried out through a tally questionnaire of twelve closed questions that will be asked to the number of 30-40 people at the Excel Centre. The reason that this is being carried out is to see the number of people that actually like anime and to see whether people might want the channel to appear back on the TV.
The use of qualitative research will be carried out within a focus group for the questionnaires and to perform some video interviews. The reason for this is to know the opinion of other anime fanatics that actually know what anime is, hence the focus group. The interviews will help to see why the channel may have been taken off the air as I will be interviewing at least 10-15 people at the Excel Centre asking, ‘Should an Anime channel return to the screen and why?’, ‘What reason do you think anime doesn’t have its own channel?’ and ‘What sort of anime would you like to see or have seen on TV?’ These questions will be able to help to see what the fans think the possibility of anime coming to a channel as well as people that sell anime products at the excel centre.   
This these open and closed questions set, the results will hopefully counter-act with the results from the literate review as well as the hypothesis to grant an interesting conclusion.
I've been doing some work on the introduction as well but I'm not sure what else to write for it. It just seems to look a bit short and I write the reason why the qustion is interesting, the hypothesis and some objectives that will be covered within the report. 
Hopefully I can get the results soon and get the research results up so I can get the literate review up.
LidCosplay xxxx 

Thursday 7 October 2010

HE & Work (Week 3)

This week, we have to think of the title for the report that we are doing that relates to multimedia  so I'd decided to do a mind map with a list of ideas.
As the mind map shows, there are a number of ideas that I went through. The two subjects that most interest me would be 'Old or new?' from games and 'Returning channel' from anime.

I'm not sure if we're allowed to games for a subject, it assume that it relates to some form.

If it's not then I'll stick with my other main idea which relates to anime. I'll heard a number of people talk about a channel that used to show anime called anime central UK only to say that it suddenly was cut off. Yet, only a number of animes, such as pokemon, digimon, yu-gi-yo, dragonball series, naturo series, have been shown on children programs such as  cartoon network, nickelodeon, toonami and some others, still being completely down graded in content for the younger viewers.

I think that the hypothsis would be something like:
'Anime may have been taken off the screen for the mature nature that showed in some animes.'
or something else, make suggestions.

Title: Should an anime channel return to the screen?
